Digital Cruise Academy – Digital Marketing Institute

6 Simple Tips for Increasing Facebook Traffic to Your Blog

Being active on social networking sites on a frequent basis to me is an important part of building an audience for your blog. More so than messing about trying to optimize for Google though some might argue.

As of late Facebook has become a more prominent place for getting targeted traffic and readers to my own blog, and in the past few weeks I’ve seen a steady increase in traffic from Facebook through experimenting with different ideas and strategies, which I’m going to share with you in this post shortly.


Now before I make a start and talk to you about the 6 strategies that I use, I want to tell you that to make any real impact on Facebook as far as traffic generation is concerned, you need to work at it. Just by being on Facebook alone isn’t good enough. You need to have more than just a personal profile with a few scattered friends.

Ideally you need to have an active Facebook page with a good strategy for increasing fans, and also be an active member of as many Facebook groups that are related to your niche as possible.

In addition, find as many Facebook pages from your blogging friends and colleagues and other related pages in your niche as possible and like those pages, then engage on those pages ensuring that you’re adding value to the conversations, you’ll find that people that may end up following you back on your Facebook page.

For more tips on increasing fans check out the following post –

56 Ways To Increase Your Facebook Likes

OK so now allow me to share with you 6 simple tips and ideas for increasing Facebook traffic to your blog, so grab yourself a coffee or what ever you enjoy drinking these days and let’s get started, leave the whiskey for later mind you…


Facebook traffic increase by 446% in last 14 days

6 Ways I Increased Facebook Traffic To My Blog by 446%

Tip #1. Post frequently

First of all you can’t expect to get any traffic from Facebook if you post once per month, forget it. You need to be posting at least 3 or 4 times per week, and try not to mention too much about YOU, YOU, YOU in what you share. Also share your content during peak times, which according to Mashable is between 11am to 3pm on weekdays.

Tip #2. Screen capture your latest post and share

If you’ve been pasting your blog post links to your Facebook page and groups and have been wondering why you’re not getting many people viewing your post let alone clicking on the links, then here’s a good tip.

I started doing this a few weeks ago after seeing it being done on Social Media Examiner’s Facebook page, and it’s been really effective and largely responsible for the increase in Facebook traffic to my blog in the last few weeks (though early days yet), so give it a try.

Screen capture your latest blog post, trim the excess out and upload it to your Facebook page timeline as an image. Add a unique description and of course the link to the respectful post, you really will get more people viewing your shared post, more people liking it and more people clicking on the link to your blog. Check out the contrast image below comparing one of my standard Facebook link shares to a post screen capture and link share.

Do this with your Facebook page and if possible on any Facebook group pages that you might be a member of.


Tip #3. Post shareable content

OK tip number two is a simple enough tip, but ask yourself, are you really posting the kind of stuff that your fans want to read about and share?

If not then try looking at your page timeline history or Analytics to see what kind of stuff they’re responding to. What kind of posts are getting more likes, shares and more views, then create more of those kind of shareable content and share it. Whether it’s images, videos, questions, resource links or what ever, give your fans what they really want.

A good tip for finding out what your readers enjoy the most about the things you share on your page is by posting a question poll.

Tip #4. Add your blog URL at the beginning of your about section

On your Facebook page you will see that you have an ‘about’ section. Now many people just add a description here and completely forget to add the link to their site too. Don’t be one of those people, and one more simple but essential tip is to add the URL of your blog at the beginning of your about description not at the end, let your blog URL be one of the first things your Facebook page visitors see.

Tip #5. Create your own Facebook group

I mentioned join as many Facebook groups as possible, in addition how about creating your own group on Facebook?

Yes, create your very own Facebook group, get as many people on your group as possible and allow everyone to share something useful and valuable to the community without spamming.

When you have a lot of members, share content from your own blog using the strategy I mentioned in point one, and pin your post to the top of the group for maximum exposure. Having my own Facebook group has been a good strategy that has allowed me to increase Facebook traffic to my blog. You can check out my group here and join.

Tip #6. Become an engaging leader

Finally probably the most important Facebook marketing tip that I could share with you right now, don’t just post and share your own stuff and forget about the rest, be resourceful and share other people’s useful content too. And as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, if you really want to impact your blog with targeted Facebook traffic, you need to be seen very much alive on the site and not dead!

That means being active every day on Facebook. Use your page to comment on other user statuses, join conversations and add value, respond to personal messages and comments on your page too, consistently promote more people to join in the shout, build relationships. Simply become an engaging leader on Facebook.

OK, that’s enough ranting from me this week, hope you’ve enjoyed the tips here once again, let me know what you think of my tips, I’ll be sharing a screen capture of the total traffic from Facebook for the month of April in a few weeks time at the end of my little case study.

If there is something that you’ve been doing for increasing Facebook traffic to your blog or website, I want to hear about it, leave me a comment below as always and share your ideas with our readers.

Have a super duper week troops, over and out for now.

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