How To Scale Your Blogging Career to Earn More?

Description: Already having a successful money-spinning blog? Your next step must be to find a way to make more money. We discuss how you can scale your blogging career to earn more money in revenue.

How To Scale Your Blogging Career to Earn More?

There are many bloggers who start making a steady income from their blog content every year. One of the boons of digital marketing is its ability to help freelancers and talented content creators make money. Platforms like WordPress allow people to run their websites even if they don’t have knowledge of coding. At the same time, AdSense helps create a system of running ads on the blog which help with monetization.

All the tools which one needs to make money running a blog are readily available. This is why we see so many bloggers leave their full-time jobs and start running a blog. With the sheer number of opportunities available in running an online business, there is no reason to stay restricted in a 9-5 job.

At the same time, finding success and money with a blog doesn’t come without its complications. What do you do once you start getting 10K page views per month? Do you simply count your cash and keep doing what you’re doing?

Unfortunately, this is not a question digital marketing institutes seem to discuss. There are not many guides out there which will help a blogger understand what he/she needs to once one blog is successful.

In this article, we discuss how blogging career is supposed to be scaled in order to make more money with your blog and further stabilize income.

Optimize Blog for Affiliate Marketing

If this is your first successful blog, chances are you have only earned money from ad clicks. Affiliate marketing can become a very lucrative stream of income if you channelize it and make it work.

A good part of your audience will comprise of people who are interested in buying a product. Even if they’re not explicitly interested, they could be buy something if pushed into doing it. In affiliate marketing, your goal as a blogger should be to promote a product being sold on a platform you represent as an affiliate. For each sale you make, you will earn a fixed commission.

When done well, earning from affiliate marketing alone can dwarf money made from ad clicks. To scale your blogging career and really enter the big league, bring affiliate marketing into the mix.

Hire Writer for Existing Website and Start a New Blog

Your website is doing well and you’re earning money. What is the next step?

Double your revenues. How? Start another blog?

A blogging professional does not necessarily have to run one blog alone. The most successful bloggers use the money they make from one blog to start five other similar blogs and grow their income exponentially.

This is not easy to pull off as this is essentially turning blogging into a real working business. If done well, you stand a chance to become a real digital marketing expert.

Jump Into YouTube

YouTube really is the future. Many studies have called it the second most used search engine in the world. In the future, video will become the most consumed content medium. The written (or typed) word will lose its sheen in the mainstream.

Thus, jumping into the YouTube mess is a great option. By creating more and more content and getting ample views, you can monetize your videos.

Some of the biggest YouTubers in the world have built their career with YouTube ad earning. There has never been a better time to push videos on YouTube either. Amongst ways to scale your blogging career, this is by far the most reliable.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers three ways you can scale your blogging career to earn more money.

About the Author – Kanika Jaiswal is a marketing guru and business developer currently serving as a guest author for DelhiCourses, an affordable digital marketing institute in Delhi.