Digital Cruise Academy – Digital Marketing Institute

How to Write SEO-Friendly Content in 2020?

Description: The ability to write content that helps a website gain visibility on search engines is highly valuable. We discuss how to create engaging SEO-friendly content.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Content?

In the past few years, we have seen content writing grow and become a key cog in the digital marketing space. As the roots of digital marketing have deepened in the market and branched out to companies across all domains, the need for content writers to come aboard has skyrocketed.

Companies are almost always on the look-out for talented writers who can create engaging and SEO-friendly content to help with organic discovery. With the raw power of SEO to help a website gain traffic and presence on highly-trafficked search engines organically, there is no discounting the role of content in digital marketing and its potential to define a campaign.

Writing SEO-friendly content is by no means a small feat. When the question of hiring content writers comes, companies are quick to make sure the candidate selected has complete knowledge of SEO.

Bloggers who wish to learn the trade and make sure their blog is trafficked must consider learning SEO, especially how content has to be optimized to meet standard SEO parameters.

In this article, we discuss how to write SEO-friendly content in order to get sizable blog traffic.

Know SEO Basics Well

SEO basics refer to simple aspects of the field that can help content writers write content that can be discovered easily through search engines.

Many factors have to be taken into account while writing SEO-friendly content. These factors may vary in importance, but each plays a role in either improving or depreciating a website’s search rankings.

Some of these content-related factors have been listed below –

Follow Content Quality Basics

Writing content is not a talent only gifted individuals can do. Some of the world’s best bloggers were not gifted writers from birth. Yet, they learned and worked hard to make sure they could write well enough to satisfy their own audience.

Besides following basic SEO parameters, improving the inherent quality of the content is also a part of writing SEO-friendly blog posts and articles.

Some quality factors to improve a given piece of content qualitatively are –

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article explains how digital marketers and bloggers can write SEO-friendly content.

About the Author – Priya Arora is a trained content marketing professional with three years of experience in the field. She currently writes for, a top institute for a digital marketing course in Delhi.

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving landscape, and staying ahead of the curve requires a trusted compass. In this dynamic journey, Digital Cruise emerges as the best digital marketing blog, guiding marketers and businesses to navigate the digital sea with expertise and finesse.

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