Description: Mobile marketing has become a key part of the field since the widespread ubiquity of mobile phones across the world. We discuss three major trends in mobile marketing.

Mobile Marketing
The rise of mobile marketing has been in the making ever since they became a necessity for any given individual in the world. As of now, we live our lives constantly engaged with mobile phones. In a way, our mobile phone has become an extension of our personality. Our mobile phone is a portable organ of our body, one without which living may not be impossible, but very difficult nonetheless.
This article is devoted to the topic of mobile marketing trends, which is an interesting field in itself. The dynamic nature of digital marketing is only typified by the nature of its subset, mobile marketing.
With constant app updates and new services being rolled out by brand on mobiles through mobile-friendly websites and native apps, mobile phones are hubs for constant improvements in technology and experience. A number of mobile trends come and go at the turn of every week of every month. The sheer number of applications made available to users makes it difficult to keep track of the trends engulfing mobile marketing.
As a field, mobile marketing is a key part of typical digital marketing training. From a learning module to a digital marketing course, mobile marketing is taught commonly across a range of training institutes.
In this article, we will discuss some important mobile marketing trends and the impact they’re likely to have in the field.
Audio Search and Navigation
Audio technology isn’t a new invention. Search engines like Google have been experimenting with audio search across many of their platforms such as Google Search and YouTube.
The reason why audio is a new mobile marketing trend is that its acceptance in the general audience has only recently picked up. Devices such as Alexa and platforms such as Siri and Cortana have become very popular owing to the widespread acceptance of audio search and navigation amongst a general mass of mobile users.
The impact of this mobile marketing trend is far-reaching. Besides websites developing ways to ingratiate audio search and navigation on their mobile site, there is also a case to be made for keyword research to transform owing to the arrival of audio search.
Augmented Reality
AR is one of the buzzwords of mobile marketing, bandied about often in blog posts and articles. To put it simply, AR-integrated mobile apps will bridge the gap between the real world and mobile phones. Applications like Google Pixel are a prime example of AR.
As technology evolves, AR would become more and more common and ingratiate into our normal lives, marking another great leap in technology over a relatively short span of time.
Cyber Security and Privacy
Recent scandals involving major social media platforms have led to netizens becoming increasingly aware of their own privacy in the online landscape.
This trend of users becoming increasingly aware of their sense of privacy from social media platforms is only set to increase. Apps and services which provide users anonymity and privacy from major tech platforms and hackers would become popular in the coming years. The implications of this trend are important for the long-running question of individual privacy online, and the arrival of new technologies in the future which promise to be even more intrusive.
In Conclusion
The three trends mentioned above are three of the most important ones in mobile marketing. Digital marketers in the field should have a pulse over new emerging trends in mobile and digital marketing in general.
An article by Sonali, professional blogger & freelance digital marketing trainer having tie up with more the ten Digital Marketing Institutes in Delhi.