Tips Which Help to Measure Your Social Media Success

Internet has made two different identities of human beings; one is in real life existence and second is the virtual existence in social media. In today’s high speed world of internet, social media has become a very important part of our lives. And success of some companies is attached to social media rather than real existence. Huge success of Facebook is a real time example for us. Today it is very important for any business to have social media presence to cover national as well as international customers. Companies are doing everything to know their social media presence in virtual world. There are many tools present to calculate the effective presence of company’s social media campaigns.


1. Google Analytics

A very effective tool developed by Google engineers, this tool helps to keep track of activities on your website. Within no time Google Analytics can give you information i.e. how people use search engine options to find your website, how many visitors visited your website, how many times a visitor stayed and which of your website keywords are less popular and which are more popular. It’s a good way to know the website presence. Once this tool is set up, you won’t be wasting any time on cutting and repeatedly cutting your graphs.

2. Klout

Klout score measures online influence of the website in ranks numbered from 1 to 100. One can access social media presence once signed up on Klout. It can give data of your social media activity for over past 2160 hours (90 days). Specifically it tells number of people influenced by you, the degree to which you influence them as well the influence of your network over social media platforms. Like how many people follow you and read your online posts this all is calculated by Klout score. It also enables you to see a map where you can check at what exact time your score increased through your posts and engagements.

3. Wildfire’s social media Monitor

Recently taken over by Google, Wildfire deals in the marketing of social media websites. Its most tools are paid but it does offer a free social media monitor. This social media monitor can compare your presence to the presence of your competitors on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. This tool helps check and compare the total number of likes and check-ins and your followers.

4. My Top Tweet by TwitSprout

This tool is used to know how many of your tweets got re-tweeted by your followers. It also tells your most famous last top 10 tweets and amount of re-tweets you got for them. It helps the user to know what are the current online trends and hot topics and customer information as well, also providing information about your competitors.

Through all these above mentioned ways, you can certainly keep on measuring the social media success, which you so long for. These methods are quite easy to use and through them you are certain to keep a track of everything happening out there.