Small Businesses need Twitter. It’s just that simple. But in saying that, there are still a number of businesses, both big and small, that have opted not to create an account. Reasons for this range from “we don’t understand it” to
“we don’t think it would add much value to our business”. Regardless of why you and your business have chosen not to participate, brands that are not on twitter are falling severely behind the curve. Here are 3 thoughts on how Twitter can help impact your small business website in a positive way:

Twitter Helps you Reach-Out to a New Audience
One message of 140 characters or less and you can reach out to millions of people. Pretty impactful stuff, wouldn’t you say? Twitter provides an easy and efficient way for your business to reach out to its consumers and gauge their interest in a new product, gets their thoughts on an existing service, and provides a forum for discussion about your company. In a world where being open and transparent is so critical to the health of your business, twitter is a great way to reach out to your followers and build your brand.
Twitter is Quick and Cost Effective
Twitter is everyone’s source for breaking information. Information hits twitter before anywhere else and goes viral before you even have a chance to comprehend it. Being able to get information out in a quick and cost effective fashion can be vital for your business. Disseminating and receiving information has never been easier and quicker, and this can be very advantageous for businesses. Add in the fact that twitter costs nothing to set up and next to nothing to maintain – a few hours a week for one of your staff members – and twitter has the potential to provide a large financial gain.
Twitter is Easy to Learn and to Use
We can talk about all the positives of twitter, but the fact that, it is so simple. Twitter is incredibly easy to use and does not require much if any “how to” training. Twitter also allows you to pre set your messages so you don’t have to be awake at 6am to send a broadcast message to your customers on the East Coast. You can pre-set a whole week’s worth of tweets, so you can be active on your account without having to monitor your twitter feed 24/7.
Twitter can Drive New Traffic to your Website and Sales Pages
On a more technical front, Twitter has also created an additional opportunity for you to drive quality traffic to your website, blog, YouTube content and conversion pages. This is where the true value of Twitter will be most apparent, as we are now able to very accurately measure how often a tweet has an impact, and use our communication to direct traffic to a specific action or goal on our website. Launching a new product? Announcing a discount or promotion? Why not tweet this news, with a direct link to the order page?